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A Painful Decision After A Three Year Battle

Amber Portwood Loses Custody of 4-Year-Old Son James

A Painful Decision After a Three-Year Battle

After a difficult three-year custody battle, an Indiana judge has ruled that Amber Portwood's 4-year-old son, James, will move to California with his father, Andrew Glennon. The decision marks a significant change in James's life, who has been primarily raised by his mother.

Mental Illness Used Against Her, Portwood Claims

In an emotional statement, Portwood expressed her belief that her mental illness was used against her in the custody case. "It's not fair," she said. "My illness doesn't define who I am as a mother." Portwood has previously struggled with substance abuse and mental health issues.

Moving Forward with FaceTime Calls

Despite the setback, Portwood is determined to maintain a relationship with her son. A judge recently lifted a no-contact order that had been placed against her ex-boyfriend. Now, Portwood can have FaceTime video calls with James.

A Lasting Impression of Loss and Resilience

The loss of custody is a profound blow to Portwood, but she has vowed to keep her head up. "I'm not going to give up on my son," she said. Portwood's resilience and determination in the face of adversity serve as a powerful reminder that even in the most difficult of times, there is always hope.
